Jose Espinosa
Director, Potash and Phosphate Institute, Latin American Office, P.O. Box 17-17-980, Quito, Ecuador, South America
1. 引言 Introduction
Agricultural lime, either finely ground dolomitic or calcitic limestone, applied directly to acid soils is an inexpensive way to increase crop yields and reduce fertilizer input costs. This soil amendment is widely used around the world. Maintaining an adequate soil pH is indispensable in a sound soil fertility and nutrient management program. Several factors contribute to soil acidity including parent material, precipitation, native vegetation, crops grown and nitrogen (N) fertilization.
Soils developed from parent materials of basic rocks generally have higher pHs than those formed from acid rocks. Soils formed under high rainfall conditions are more acidic than those formed under dry conditions. Soil organic matter is continually being decomposed by microorganisms into organic acids and carbon dioxide (CO2) which add to soil acidity. Soils formed under forest vegetation tend to be more acid than those developed under grasslands, and conifers create more acidity than deciduous forest. Soils become more acid due to base (plant nutrient) removal in harvested parts of the crop. Nitrogen fertilization speeds up the rate at which acidity develops in soil due to excess H+ produced in the nitrification process. Nitrification, a natural process mediated by microorganisms, changes ammonium forms of N to nitrate forms. Nitrogen coming either from inorganic fertilizers, organic matter, manure and legume N fixation undergo this process contributing to soil acidity.
Soil pH measures soil acidity as the logarithm of the activity of the hydrogen ion (H+). Soil acidity increases according to the increment in H+ held in the exchange complex and present in the soil solution. Most productive soils range from 4.0 to 9.0 in pH. Aluminum (Al) in the soil also acts as an acidic element and in fact is the principal source of H+ in most soils with pH below 5.5. Aluminum hydrolysis (reacts with water) to form monomeric and polymeric hydroxyaluminum complexes. These reactions also produce H+ adding to soil acidity. Hydrolysis of the monomeric forms are shown in the following equations:
Al3+ + H2O —→ Al(OH) + H+
Al(OH) + H2O —→ Al(OH)2 + H+
Al(OH)2 + H2O —→ Al(OH)3+ + H+
These reactions release H+ which in turn increases the amount of Al3+ ready to react again. It has been demonstrated that even low amounts of Al3+ in soil solution are toxic to most crops. The Al3+ concentration is the main limiting factor in these acid soils.
Lime reduces acidity (increases pH) by converting some of the H+ into water. Above pH 5.5 Al3+ precipitates as Al(OH)3 and the toxic action the main source of H+- is eliminated. When needed, liming is a management practice that allows higher and sustainable yields.
2. 施石灰是一項良好的管理措施Liming as A Good Management Practice
Liming is a management practice that incorporates in the soil calcium or calcium + magnesium materials that are capable of reducing acidity and increase soil pH.
2.1 石灰物質 Liming materials
There are several material that can react in the soil increasing pH. The most important include calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide, calcite and dolomite.
Calcium oxide (CaO)- Also known as burned lime or quicklime, is a caustic white powder, disagreeable to handle. It is manufactured by roasting calcitic limestone in an oven or furnace. Its purity depends upon raw material purity When added to soil, it reacts almost immediately, so it is ideal when rapid results are required. It should be mixed completely with the soil, because it rapidly cakes and can become ineffective.
Calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2]- Frequently referred to as hydrated lime or builders' lime, is a caustic, white, powdery substance, difficult and unpleasant to handle. Acid neutralization occurs rapidly when it is added to the soil. It is prepared by hydrating CaO.
Calcite (CaCO3) and dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2]- These two materials are the most commonly used lime sources in agriculture. Dolomite has the benefit of adding magnesium (Mg) which in some soils is important. Quality of these materials depends on impurities such as the clay or organic matter they contain.
Several other materials can be used for liming purposes, such as, baked or burned oyster shells, marl, basic slag, wood ashes, and cement industry by-products.
2.2 石灰質量 Lime quality
Liming material should be checked for neutralizing value and degree of fineness. Neutralizing value of all liming materials is determined by comparing them to the neutralizing value of pure calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Setting the neutralizing value of pure CaCO3 at 100, a value for other materials can be assigned. This value is called the Relative Neutralizing Value or Calcium Carbonate Equivalent. The relative neutralizing values of some liming materials are shown (Table 1).
表1 一些石灰性物質的相對中和值
Table 1 Relative neutralizing values of some liming materials
石灰性物質 Liming material |
相對中和值 Relative Neutralizing Value(%) |
純CaCO3 Pure calcium carbonate |
100 |
白雲石 Dolomite |
95—108 |
方解石 Calcite |
85—100 |
生石灰 Burned lime |
150—175 |
熟石灰 Hydrated lime |
120—135 |
牡蠣殼灰 Baked oyster shells |
80—90 |
木灰 Wood ashes |
40—80 |
When a given quantity of lime is mixed with soil, its reaction rate and degree of reactivity are affected by particle size. Coarse lime particles react more slowly and less fully. Fine lime particles react more rapidly and much more completely.
Cost of lime increases with the fineness of grind. The goal is to have a material that requires a minimum of grinding and yet containing enough fine material to cause a rapid pH change. As a result, agricultural liming materials contain both coarse and fine materials. From the practical point of view, a good liming material should have particles that pass completely through a 60 mesh sieve.
2.3 土壤中的石灰反應 Lime reactions in the soil
土壤中石灰反應的機理是中和土壤溶液中的H+。石灰與H2O反應生產OH -。因此,只有在土壤水分充足的條件下施石灰才有效。基本的石灰反應可用CaCO3在土壤中發生的反應來說明。其反應過程是:
Reaction mechanisms of liming materials in soil neutralize H+ in the soil solution. Lime reacts with water to produce OH- ions. For this reason, liming is effective only when adequate soil moisture is present. Basic lime reactions can be illustrated with the reactions that CaCO3 undergoes in the soil. They areas follows:
CaCO3 —→ Ca2+ + CO32-
CO32- + H2O —→ HCO3- + OH –
HCO3- + H2O —→ H2CO3 + OH –
H2CO3 —→ CO2↑+ H2O
H+ (土壤溶液)+ OH –—→ H2O
因而,上述反應的速率,也即CaCO3的解離速率,與土壤溶液中和H+ 時OH -的消耗速率和H2O形成速率有關。只要土壤溶液中有H+存在,CaCO3就會不停地反應,從而提高pH。
Rate of the above reactions, therefore, the dissociation of CaCO3, is related to the rate OH- are removed from the soil solution through H+ neutralization and H2O formation. As long as H+ is present in the soil solution CaCO3 will continue reacting, increasing pH.
It is interesting to note that the final product of the above reactions is CO2 which dissipates to the atmosphere. This is the reason why the effect of liming is restricted to the site where lime particles are located In other words, it is necessary to make a uniform surface application of lime which then needs to be completely mixed with the soil. Good incorporation of lime is essential for effective control of acidity.
In some cropping systems, such as perennial sods or plantation crops, mixing is only possible before seeding. Once the crop is established, lime must be topdressed. Surface applied lime reacts more slowly and not as completely, as lime mixed with the soil. However, it has been proven that in no-till systems surface lime application is effective mainly due to the physical and chemical changes in the soil profile that concentrate root activity in the 0-10 cm superficial layer.
3. 石灰需要量Lime Requirement
Although soil pH is an excellent indicator of soil acidity, it does not determine lime requirement. Lime requirement is the amount of agricultural lime needed to establish the desired pH range for the cropping system being used. When pH is measured, only active acidity in the soil water is determined. Potential acidity, that is held by soil clay and organic matter, must also be considered.
Lime requirement is not only related to soil pH, but also to cation exchange capacity (CEC) which in turn is related to total amount and type of clay predominant and soil organic matter content. These factors determine how strongly soils are buffered or how strongly they resist a change in pH. Buffering capacity increases with amount of clay and organic matter. Sandy soils, with small amounts of clay and organic matter, are weakly buffered and require less lime to change pH.
3.1 溫帶土壤的石灰需要量 Lime requirement for temperate soils
It has been demonstrated that successful liming has to take into account the dominant soil clay minerals in the soil to be limed. Soils dominated by 2:1 clays(montmorillonite, vermiculite, illite), more frequently found in temperate zones, but also present in tropical and subtropical areas; behave different from the typical tropical red soils (Ultisols and Oxisols dominated by Fe and Al oxides and kaolinite) and from the soils developed from volcanic ash (Andisols dominated by allophane, imogolite, and humus-Al complexes) that are widely spread over the world. These important differences determine the approach to evaluate lime requirements.
In soils dominated by 2:1 clays (Mollisols, Vertisols), the reduction in base saturation (loss of K, Ca, Mg) leads to acidity. This increment in acidity in turn leads to the breakdown of clay material and release of Al which occupies exchange sites left by the lost bases. These soils can be easily limed to reach a pH range of 6.5 to 7.0 to obtain the highest productivity. During this process there is very little change in CEC (soils of permanent charge). Data (Table 2) illustrates the effect of dolomitic lime on soil pH, and soybean and corn yields in a Mollisol from Argentina.
表2 在阿根廷的軟土上白雲石對土壤pH和大豆、玉米產量的影響
Table 2 Effect of dolomite application on soil pH, and soybean and corn yield in a Mollisol from Argentina
白雲石 (公斤/公頃) Dolomite (kg/ha) |
pH |
籽粒產量(公斤/公頃) Grain yield (kg/ha) |
大豆 Soybans |
玉米 Corn |
0 |
5.7 |
2622 |
8397 |
2000 |
6.5 |
3368 |
9942 |
4000 |
6.8 |
3365 |
10249 |
Common methods of determining lime need in soils dominated by 2:1 clays are based on pH change of a buffered solution compared to pH of a soil-water suspension. The most popular of these methods is the SMP (Shoemaker, McLean and Pratt) method developed to determine lime needs in acid soils of the temperate zones of the USA. The equilibrium pH value of a suspension made of soil water buffer solution is correlated with the amount of lime needed to increase soil pH to a certain value, using a CaCO3 incubation procedure, in the same soil sample In this way, recommendations can be developed to indicate the amount of lime required to bring soil pH to a particular value. This method allows a rapid determination of lime requirement in acid soils of permanent charge. An example of liming recommendations based on calibration of a SMP buffer solution is presented (Table 3).
表3 應用SMP緩衝溶液方法確定的石灰量
Table 3 Liming rates determined using SMP buffer solutions
SMP指數* SMP Index* |
目標pH Desired pH after liming |
5.5 |
6.0 |
6.5 |
石灰施入量(噸/公頃) Lime rate (t/ha) |
4.4 |
15.0 |
21.0 |
29.0 |
4.6 |
10.9 |
15.1 |
20.0 |
4.8 |
8.5 |
11.9 |
15.7 |
5.0 |
6.9 |
9.7 |
12.9 |
5.2 |
5.5 |
8.0 |
10.6 |
5.4 |
4.4 |
6.5 |
8.7 |
5.6 |
3.3 |
5.1 |
7.0 |
5.8 |
2.3 |
3.9 |
5.5 |
6.0 |
1.4 |
2.8 |
4.1 |
6.2 |
0.6 |
1.7 |
2.7 |
6.4 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
1.5 |
*土-水-緩衝液的pH。pH of the suspension soil-water-buffer solution
3.2 熱帶土壤的石灰需要量 Lime requirement for tropical soils
確定熱帶紅壤石灰需要量的方法是不同的。在這些土壤中,pH低到5.0時粘土礦物的Al和Fe是穩定的,此時Al被包埋在粘土顆粒中,對植物不構成威脅,直到pH降低到使氧化物和高嶺石溶解,把Al3+ 釋放到土壤溶液中,有時會達到毒害水平(pH<5.3)。當這一情況發生時就要把土壤pH提高到5.5以上,這就能使Al3+ 沉澱下來,同時大幅度增加土壤可變電荷CEC(如表4、表5)。在這一pH下作物生長和產量最佳的。
However, determination of lime requirement of tropical red soils is different In these soils, Al and Fe present in mineral clays are stable at pH values as low as 5.0. In this case Al is buried in the clay particle and is not a threat to plant growth until pH reaches values where the oxides and kaolinite dissolve bringingAl3+, sometimes in toxic quantities, into the soil solution (pH < 5.3). When this arises it is advisable to raise soil pH to values of about 5.5. This allows Al3+ precipitation and appreciable increment in CEC (soils of variable charge) as presented (Tables 4 and 5). At this pH, crop growth and yields are excellent.
表4 巴拿馬紅色老成土施用石灰的效果
Table 4 Effect of lime application to a red Ultisol from Panama
處理 Treatment |
pH |
Ca |
Mg |
K |
A1 |
有效CEC Effective CEC |
旱稻產量(kg/hm2) Upland rice yield (kg/ha) |
cmol(+)/kg |
不施石灰 No lime |
4.9 |
1.79 |
1.2 |
0.11 |
2.15 |
5.18 |
2751 |
施石灰(4噸/公頃) Lime(4t/ha) |
5.8 |
7.90 |
6.7 |
0.14 |
0.09 |
14.85 |
4271 |
表5 巴西氧化土施用石灰對土壤pH和作物產量的影響
Table 5 Liming effects on soil pH and the yield of various crops in Oxisols from Brazil
玉米 Corn |
小麥 Wheat |
大豆 Soybeans |
CaCO3 (t/hm2) (t/ha) |
土壤 pH Soil pH |
產量(kg/hm2) Yield (kg/ha) |
CaCO3 (t/hm2) (t/ha) |
土壤pH Soil pH |
產量(kg/hm2) Yield (kg/ha) |
CaCO3 (t/hm2) (t/ha) |
土壤pH Soil pH |
產量(kg/hm2) Yiele (kg/ha) |
0 |
3.9 |
1150 |
0 |
4.7 |
1320 |
0 |
4.6 |
1943 |
2 |
4.5 |
4090 |
3.5 |
5.0 |
2364 |
3.5 |
4.9 |
2514 |
4 |
4.7 |
4420 |
7.0 |
5.2 |
3031 |
6 |
5.3 |
5340 |
CaCO3當量(噸/公頃)= 因子×釐摩爾Al/公斤土壤
In tropical soils, determination of lime requirements using buffered solutions does not work adequately. Using this approach large amounts of lime are recommended to force soil pH to values in the 6.0-7.0 range while only moderate amount of lime is needed to raise soil pH enough to precipitate Al3+. In this case it has been suggested that lime recommendations be based on the amount of exchangeable. Al in the top soil Following this concept, lime requirement for most tropical soils can be predicted applying the following equation :
CaCO3 equivalent (t/ha)=Factor×cmol Al/kg soil
The factor used can vary from 1.5 to 3.0 depending on the crop characteristics and the soil type. This factor can be fine tuned by the agronomist or farmer working at a specific site.
The primary goal of this approach is to neutralize all Al3+ but, there are Al tolerant crops that can grow and yield satisfactorily at moderate aluminum saturation of the exchange complex. Since not all Al3+ needs to be precipitated, a lower amount of lime can be used to reduce Al saturation to the desired level. Inmost of these cases, applied lime is used to overcome Ca and Mg deficiencies which can limit plant growth in weathered soils of low CEC. Coffee, banana, oil palm, and a number of tropical grasses and legumes are among the crops that tolerate high Al saturation. Plant breeding has developed cultivars of certain crops like rice, sorghum, and corn that are also tolerant to high Al saturation.
Another common method used to calculate lime requirements, related to Al saturation, is based on soil base saturation. Though it has been determined that base saturation does not influence yield in soils dominated by 2:1 clays, this parameter is very important in highly weathered soil (Ultisols and Oxisols) of low CEC and low Ca and Mg content. As indicated above, dolomitic lime is used not only as an amendment in these types of soils, but also as a source of Ca and Mg. Research has demonstrated that, within certain limits, higher base saturation in weathered soils improves fertility and increases crop yields.
A method for determining lime requirement was developed taking into account a targeted soil base saturation attained by lime application. Brazilian experience indicates, for example, that the best coffee yields are obtained at 60 percent saturation. In other words, coffee can grow satisfactorily in a soil having up to 40 percent Al saturation. According to these criteria, lime requirements can be calculated using the following equation:
式中 BS1=起始鹽基飽和度
CaCO3 (t/ha)=((BS2BS1)×CEC/100)
Where BS1= Initial base saturation
BS2= Required base saturation
3.3 火山灰土壤的石灰需要量 Lime requirement for soils derived from volcanic ash
火 山灰土壤的石灰需要量的計算方法有些不同,主要是高的緩衝容量使得石灰需要量難以計算,而且其緩衝容量的強度隨著海拔、降雨和溫度等影響火山灰風化的因素 變化而變化。因此,評價這些土壤的石灰需要量並不是遵循一個簡單的原則。應用交換態鋁為標準有時會對石灰需要量估計偏低(表6)。
Liming approach for soils derived from volcanic ash (Andisols) is somewhat different. The high buffering capacity (resistance to pH change) complicates lime requirement evaluation. Intensity of the buffering capacity varies from one place to another according to altitude, rainfall and temperature the factors controlling volcanic ash weathering. For this reason, there is not a simple rule to evaluate lime requirement in these soils. Use of the exchangeable Al criterion sometimes underestimates lime needs as illustrated (Table 6).
表6 厄瓜多爾高原的火山灰土壤施用石灰對土壤化學性質和作物產量的影響
Table 6 Effect of lime application on soil chemical properties and crop yield in an Andisol of the highlands of Ecuador
CaCO3 (噸/公頃) (t/ha) |
pH |
Al |
K |
Ca |
Mg |
CEC* |
作物產量 Crop yield |
蠶豆 Faba beans |
大麥 Barley |
燕麥 Oats |
cmol(+)kg |
(噸/公頃)(t/ha) |
0 |
5.0 |
2.1 |
0.30 |
2.54 |
0.36 |
5.30 |
13.9 |
2.2 |
3.6 |
1.5 |
5.1 |
1.5 |
0.29 |
2.58 |
0.36 |
4.73 |
12.8 |
3.0 |
4.4 |
3.0 |
5.2 |
1.6 |
0.29 |
3.30 |
0.39 |
5.58 |
17.1 |
2.9 |
4.3 |
4.5 |
5.2 |
1.5 |
0.30 |
4.67 |
0.29 |
6.76 |
18.9 |
3.7 |
4.4 |
6.0 |
5.3 |
0.6 |
0.28 |
4.69 |
0.40 |
5.97 |
19.2 |
3.9 |
4.7 |
9.0 |
5.4 |
0.4 |
0.27 |
4.70 |
0.41 |
5.78 |
21.5 |
3.9 |
5.2 |
12.0 |
5.4 |
0.2 |
0.30 |
5.59 |
0.40 |
6.49 |
21.6 |
4.1 |
4.8 |
15.0 |
5.8 |
0.1 |
0.29 |
8.60 |
0.42 |
9.41 |
21.0 |
4.3 |
4.7 |
*以中性鹽計算的陽離子交換量 *CEC evaluated with an indifferent salt
Clay particles resulting from volcanic ash weathering (allophane, imogolite and humus-Al complexes) have a very reactive surface. When lime is applied to these soils it reacts with clay surfaces creating charge (increment in CEC) failing to increase pH and to precipitate Al. The amount of lime needed to precipitate aluminum varies with the age and weathering of the volcanic ash. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct simple field trials which can indicate precisely the amount of lime needed in an specific site.
Regardless of the method used to determine lime requirement in tropical soils, it is advisable to avoid excessive lime applications. Usually this happens when such soils are limed to neutrality. Tropical soils should only be limed to neutralize Al, which generally brings soil pH to values in the 5.5 to 6.0 range. Over liming leads to soil structure deterioration, reduced boron (B), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) availability, and lower yields.
4. 結論Conclusions
Soil acidity affects plant growth in many ways, in consequence, crop yields are also affected significantly. Properly applied lime controls the detrimental effects of low pH. A good liming program reduces Al and Mn toxicity. This is perhaps the main favorable effect of liming acid soils. Other benefits include an improved soil physical condition, stimulation of soil microbial activity and symbiotic N fixation, increment of availability of other nutrients, and increase in CEC in soils of variable charge. In acid soils, a well designed liming program is fundamental to high sustainable crop yields.
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